If you choose to follow Jesus through Public Church, please let us know by clicking the button below! This is the start of the most significant journey of your life.

  • 1. Decision

    Giving your life to Jesus is a transformative decision that marks the beginning of a beautiful journey as a Christian. It is a personal commitment to follow Jesus, embracing Him as your Savior and Lord. This decision entails acknowledging your need for forgiveness, repenting from your past mistakes, and surrendering your life to God's loving guidance.

  • 2. Journey

    As you embark on the Christian path, you embark on a lifelong journey of faith, growth, and discipleship. It involves cultivating a deep and personal relationship with Jesus, nurturing your spiritual life through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. The Christian path also involves living out your faith by embodying the teachings of Jesus, demonstrating His love, compassion, and grace in your interactions with others.

  • 3. Family

    As a Christian, you become part of a global family of believers, united by a shared faith in Jesus Christ. This community offers support, encouragement, and opportunities for service. Engaging in a local church becomes an integral part of your Christian path, providing a place for worship, fellowship, and spiritual nourishment. It is within the church that you can discover and utilize your unique gifts and talents to serve others, contributing to the work of God's kingdom on earth.

  • 4. All about Jesus

    Ultimately, the Christian path is about living a life centered on Jesus, seeking to align your thoughts, actions, and priorities with His will. It is an invitation to experience abundant life, marked by joy, peace, and a deep sense of fulfillment found in knowing and following the one who gave His life for you.